Saturday, January 8, 2011

January 6&7, 2011

Ugh! I can't make up my mind how I want to set up this blog! I thought I would like to do a collage each week but then I decided that the photos weren't large enough in it. All I know is that I don't want to post every, single day. Day 6 and 7 are on this post but I think from now on I will just post one week at a time.
Jan 6th
Ava kept following Lucy around this morning saying "Woo-chi brrr". Every time Lucy stopped moving, she got a blanket thrown on-top of her!

Jan 7th
I don't wear jewelry that often, but I did today. Of course that meant that Ava wanted to wear some too! Here she is admiring her necklace.


  1. Your dog is so cute. Great photos. The collage do make them a little small. I think one week at a time is a good idea.

  2. That's so cute the way Ava was taking care of Lucy! It took me a while to decide how to post my week's pics too. I finally decided on a collage and I figured I'll share favorite photos in other posts too. The good thing is when I take an awful photo it'll be too small for anyone to notice!

  3. I'm doing a collage, and if any photos need to be bigger for whatever reason, I'm making a separate post or posting them again.

    Nothing wrong with saying, "I love this photo so much that I need to share it BIGGER with you!" :) Right?

  4. Love love love all of the pictures! My favorite is the look on her face while studying the necklace... but those feet mixed in with the rocks are hard to resist.

    Beautiful work!

    Here from NapTimeMomTog 365!

  5. Cute shots and subjects! I have an Ava too. You have good taste in names. :)
